Let say, I've created my own python library for robot framework and now I want to generate documentation from the python class file.
How to do it?
Step 1:
In python, add your documentation
Step 2:
Now generate documentation using command
python -m robot.libdoc filename.py filename.html
How to do it?
Step 1:
In python, add your documentation
def delete_excel_row(self, varFileName, varSheetName, varCellName):
Delete a row in the excel file.
| FileName | Excel file with full path |
| SheetName | Sheetname in the excel file |
| CellValue | Row to be deleted in the sheet |
Delete row
| Delete Excel Row | C:\\Python27\\ExcelRobotTest\\ExcelRobotTest.xlsx | Sheet1 | A1 |
self.varFileName = varFileName
self.varSheetName = varSheetName
self.varCellName = varCellName
varExcel = win32com.client.DispatchEx('Excel.Application')
varWB = varExcel.Workbooks.Open(self.varFileName)
varSheet = varWB.Sheets(self.varSheetName)
Step 2:
Now generate documentation using command
python -m robot.libdoc filename.py filename.html