Integration of Robot Framework with Sikuli 1.1.0
1. Jython, Robot Framework (Jybot) should be installed and environment variables should be configured properly.
// Installation of Jython and Jybot are not covered here.
Sikuli installation steps:
1. Download the sikuli1.1.0 jar file from the website
2. Open the command prompt and install the sikuli as below
3. Choose the option 2
4. Installation will be progress from internet and will be completed automatically
5. Once installation is completed, "sikulixapi.jar" file will be available in the corresponding folder.
6. To use the methods of sikuli in our jython script, we have to add it in the jythonpath
7. Now open the command prompt and check its working properly.
8. Develop a sample jython script
"""Created on May 21, 2016
@author: vallikkv @ Vallinayagam.K
import org.sikuli.basics.SikuliXforJython
from sikuli import *
class Sikuli11Lib(object):
#Configure the path of image files
myImagePath = "E:\\Sikuli11\\Images"
def SampleMethod(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Sikuli11Lib()
9. Sample execution of the script without integration of RF
10. To integrate with RF (Eg: Same script can be used to integrate with RF). Make sure the script file path is accessible by the RF+ Jybot, if not add it in the environment variable path
11, RF script by using the above sikuli script
*** Settings ***
Documentation Testing with Sikuli 1.1.0 version
Library Sample.Sikuli11Lib
*** Test Cases ***
Checking the version
12. Execute it using jybot
Note: This is a sample script, you can develop wrapper for sikuli methods and make it as common library which can be reused in robot framework like other libraries eg: Selenium2library
1. Jython, Robot Framework (Jybot) should be installed and environment variables should be configured properly.
// Installation of Jython and Jybot are not covered here.
Sikuli installation steps:
1. Download the sikuli1.1.0 jar file from the website
2. Open the command prompt and install the sikuli as below
3. Choose the option 2
5. Once installation is completed, "sikulixapi.jar" file will be available in the corresponding folder.
6. To use the methods of sikuli in our jython script, we have to add it in the jythonpath
7. Now open the command prompt and check its working properly.
8. Develop a sample jython script
"""Created on May 21, 2016
@author: vallikkv @ Vallinayagam.K
import org.sikuli.basics.SikuliXforJython
from sikuli import *
class Sikuli11Lib(object):
#Configure the path of image files
myImagePath = "E:\\Sikuli11\\Images"
def SampleMethod(self):
if __name__ == '__main__':
a = Sikuli11Lib()
9. Sample execution of the script without integration of RF
10. To integrate with RF (Eg: Same script can be used to integrate with RF). Make sure the script file path is accessible by the RF+ Jybot, if not add it in the environment variable path
11, RF script by using the above sikuli script
*** Settings ***
Documentation Testing with Sikuli 1.1.0 version
Library Sample.Sikuli11Lib
*** Test Cases ***
Checking the version
12. Execute it using jybot